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Directed by Nick Hartanto & Sam Roden


SATURDAY 11/16/2019


@ Made In NY Media Center by IFP


A Mexican dishwasher at a fine dining restaurant in New York is asked by his chef to find good tortillas.


Nick Hartanto and Sam Roden are based in Brooklyn and Los Angeles, respectively. They premiered their debut feature documentary "Traveler" at the 2016 Ashland Independent Film Festival, followed by their short documentary "King of the Rails"which premiered at the 2017 Big Sky Documentary Festival. There latest short film“The Dishwasher”is colored by Hartanto and Roden's first hand experiences working as line cooks at multiple fine dining restaurants, including a Michelin rated restaurant, and working for celebrity chefs in New York and San Francisco.Their commercial clients include Condé Nast Traveler, Netflix, West Elm, Adult Swim, GQ, FiveThirtyEight& Wieden+Kennedy


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